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Overcome Procrastination

Hey friends, This week’s post is about procrastination and how to overcome it. I hope you benefit from this and as always, thank you for reading 🤍 What's Inside: 😄 Overcome Procrastination: 7 Practical and Effective Strategies for Increased Productivity 🩺 Medical School Update ✏️ Insights - Podcasts, Books, Amazon finds & other cool things Overcome Procrastination Procrastination can be a major barrier to achieving our goals and can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Today I’m sharing...

I've been stuck in bed every morning lately. It's very out of character for me. This morning I made it up at 6:20 am. And it's Saturday. I was motivated to make it to the mosque at 6:45 am, which helped. But it taught me something. Getting up was the hardest part. I was listening to this podcast episode about phone addictions, and the speaker said the people who are most successful in avoiding scrolling are the ones who have systems in place. Strict rules and regulations about their bad...

What do you want to want? If you sit long enough thinking about this question, you will uncover your true desires. Having desires is easy. Goal setting, planning and achieving them is not. That’s why I’m giving you a step-by-step guide here ↓ How to achieve your wildest dreams in 12 steps Step 1: What do you want? Imagine you could click your fingers and make your life perfect in each of the key areas of life. If your life was perfect in each area, what would it look like? Income - how much...

I have a question for you. Do you have goals? Are they clearly defined and specific? If we speak in 6 months, can you measure your progress in achieving them? Do you categorise them according to educational, family, personal, financial, physical, and spiritual categories? Are they written down somewhere? Let me guess. You have aspirations to be rich, successful, healthy and happy - we all do. But you don’t write it down. You don’t calculate how to get there. You don’t have a blueprint showing...

Hey friends, I came across an important concept for achieving happiness in a book I'm reading, and I think you need to hear this. Your locus of control is the determining factor of your happiness or unhappiness in life. It can be either internal or external, and it’s where you derive control of your life events from. People with an internal locus of control feel that they are self-directed, in complete control of their lives. They feel strong, confident, and powerful. They are generally...

Before you start reading, I’m hosting my first Live Anki Tutorial soon and wanted you to hear about it first. More information at the end. What the hell is networking? I never really understood networking. ‘I’m going to this event, it’s great for networking!’ What? So you meet people..then what? How does that help you? It’s not about what you know, it’s who you know. I hated that saying. I never understood it. If you don’t understand networking, you feel like you’re missing out. Is there...

Hey friends, It’s been a while, but I promise my absence hasn’t been wasteful. This newsletter has always been my pride and joy in content and I have truly missed writing unscripted each week. One of my goals for the second half of 2024 is to show up here weekly, so you can expect a weekly dose of Daanish’s unfiltered thoughts from now on. I started this newsletter during my gap year before med school and I’ve just completed my 4th year. It’s unbelievable how much has changed in those 4...

I was a waiter in Pizza Hut when I was 17. I worked in McDonald’s when I was 18. I worked as a student ambassador when I was 19. I worked as a private tutor when I was 20, 21 and 22. I worked at Office when I was 22. I worked as a Med School applicant mentor when I was 23. I worked as a photographer when I was 24. I started making money from social media when I was 25. Today at 26, I work for myself. I’ve learned a lot in my time working these various jobs, here are the main lessons. I hope...

I spent the last 6 weeks on a medical placement in the middle of nowhere. Before moving up I was dreading the thought of going. Out of my usual environment. Shared bathrooms. Electric cookers. Cold weather. Alone. On my drive up, something changed. I stopped off for a break in the middle of a field. It was pitch black and I witnessed the best stargazing moment of my life. Zero light pollution and an absolute spectacle above me. At that moment, I realised that in my anguish for being moved...

I found a hack for difficult tasks. It turns out I’ve been doing this for years, I just didn’t know what it was called. Ali Abdaal talks about energising the work you do so it doesn’t drain you in his new book and this little trick is a game changer. In order to enjoy something, there needs to be the right level of challenge. If the challenge is too easy, like playing football against a 6-year old, it becomes boring because it’s too easy and you get disengaged, you don’t feel like doing it....

If someone handed you $10,000,000 today, would you know exactly what you'd want to do with it to make your life perfect? It's not just about having a dream job or a successful career; it's about shaping a life that resonates with your deepest desires and values. This week, let's begin to define your ideal life, step by step. Life design isn't about stumbling upon success; it's about actively creating the life you want. I hope you benefit from this and as always, thank you for reading 🤍 Also,...