Struggling with discomfort? It might be your path to growth

I spent the last 6 weeks on a medical placement in the middle of nowhere.

Before moving up I was dreading the thought of going.

Out of my usual environment.

Shared bathrooms.

Electric cookers.

Cold weather.


On my drive up, something changed.

I stopped off for a break in the middle of a field.

It was pitch black and I witnessed the best stargazing moment of my life.

Zero light pollution and an absolute spectacle above me.

At that moment, I realised that in my anguish for being moved away from my comfort zone, I stopped living by one of my rules.

My rule is that you can find enjoyment in everything.

Even in the worst times of your life, there is joy somewhere.

While I still was not happy with the situation, it was a challenge.

Challenges push you beyond your boundaries.

It turned out to be a 6-week period where I experienced a lot of growth.

I got back onto meal prepping.

I signed up for a new gym (mostly so I could shower there) and discovered a new routine of studying in the gym cafe.

I started meditating again. I started reading the Qur’an more. I fixed my diet.

I always say that comfort is a disease.

If it wasn’t for the discomfort of being here, I wouldn’t have had these discoveries.

You should avoid the trap of falling into comfort for too long.

You sell yourself short.

You end up not pushing yourself to your limits, and you don't reach your potential.

This is why I will try to embrace being in uncomfortable situations in the future.

Part of the reason I enjoy medical school + content and everything else I do is because it’s a challenge. Life without this would be a bit boring and slow.

Maybe that’s my high-functioning OCD talking, but you get the picture.

This is a reminder that there is enjoyment and goodness in everything that you do, even in the things you dread the most. I would argue that the things you least look forward to often have the biggest lessons within them.

Life is so short. It's not worth spending a moment of your life unsatisfied with your current situation.

As a Muslim, I believe that Allah (God) is in control of everything. No matter what, I'm happy with where I am. Wherever I am right now, what I'm doing right now is exactly where I should be and it is what is best.

If I believe in this, I must live by it too.

Remember to embrace the discomfort, it might be the change you need.


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