Overcome Procrastination

Hey friends,

This week’s post is about procrastination and how to overcome it. I hope you benefit from this and as always, thank you for reading 🤍

What's Inside:

  • 😄 Overcome Procrastination: 7 Practical and Effective Strategies for Increased Productivity
  • 🩺 Medical School Update
  • ✏️ Insights - Podcasts, Books, Amazon finds & other cool things

Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination can be a major barrier to achieving our goals and can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Today I’m sharing some practical tips that help me stay on task in medical school.

Make a to-do list

One of the most effective ways to combat procrastination is to make a to-do list. Write down all the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them based on their importance and deadline. This will help you focus on what you need to do and give you a sense of accomplishment as you cross items off your list. It’s important to add leisure time, sleep, eating, praying and socialising to your to-do list. You’re less likely to procrastinate when you schedule your downtime, where you can do whatever you want, guilt-free.

Set achievable goals

Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones can make them less daunting and easier to tackle. Instead of ‘Study’ I will write ‘Complete 100 new flashcards on Anki’, ‘Complete daily reviews on Anki’ and ‘Complete X lectures for Paediatrics’ in my to-do list. Studies have shown that setting more specific goals in your to-do list increases the chances of them being completed.

Set deadlines for each task and track your progress to stay motivated. These steps are crucial in maintaining productivity. My flashcard app (Anki) tracks my streak every day with this colour chart, which motivates me because I hate seeing blank days. I also keep this piece of paper on my wall to remind me how close my exam is, every morning I wake up and count down the days as a reminder that I need to work.

Remove distractions

Finding a quiet place to work and minimizing distractions is crucial to avoiding procrastination. Turn off your phone or use apps that block distracting websites to help you stay focused. I like to use Unhook for YouTube, it lets you hide everything except the search bar. I use YouTube to study but it can be distracting to see all my recommended videos. I also use OneSec on my iPhone to reduce my screen time. The best change I made was leaving my phone on Do Not Disturb (DND) and placing it in another room until I’m finished.

When I want to complete work I remove anything from my desk that doesn’t serve a purpose. Including my to-do list, plants, objects, decorations etc. I ONLY want to see my work, that’s it.

Use the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle 4 times and then take a longer break. This method helps you maintain focus and avoid burnout. I use this approach but I alter the times. My version is 90 minutes of work with a 20-minute break and I have a ‘no screen’ rule in my break - this forces me to go for walks, stretch, meditate and nap. Much healthier options than scrolling social media.

Get an accountability partner

Having someone to check in on your progress and hold you accountable for completing your tasks can be incredibly helpful in overcoming procrastination. Find a friend, colleague or mentor who can support you in your goals. I usually do this with a close friend or loved one. Simply telling them what I’m setting out to do at the beginning of the day and check in with them later. Personally, I’d rather not have the embarrassment of not following through with my word.

Reward yourself

Giving yourself a reward after completing a task or reaching a goal can be a powerful motivator. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, such as watching an episode of your favourite show or eating a nice meal. My favourite rewards for studying are going to the gym and cooking. Both activities help me relax and bring me joy, so it’s a win-win.

Just start

Sometimes, the hardest part is simply getting started. But once you begin working on a task, even if you don't feel like it, the momentum will often carry you through. A simple trick I use is 5-minute rule. Just tell yourself that you have to do the task for just 5 minutes. This gives you the activation energy to get started and once you’re 5 minutes in you realise it’s not so bad.

In conclusion, overcoming procrastination takes time and persistence, but with the right tools and strategies, it is possible to make progress and achieve your goals. Remember, be kind to yourself and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. You won’t become a productivity master overnight, but if you practise these techniques I assure you they will help in the long run.

🩺 Medical School Update

I just started my final system of medical school - Paediatrics. I have literally 4 weeks of this block, a 2-week break then my end of 3rd-year exams. It’s a terrible design from the university, we should be given more time to study for these exams (even the lecturers themselves said so!). Alhamdulillah, I was prepared for this, so I started my studying a long time ago. I hate the idea of cramming or being underprepared for an exam.

I’m transitioning into my exam season routine, which prioritises study, sleep, exercise, diet and mental health. Socialising and extra work takes a back seat this time of year. I have my priorities in order and as each day passes I’m ramping up the work. The interesting thing is managing social media and blog posts alongside all this. It’s my first proper exam season doing this alongside university but it’s times like this I appreciate my work. Being self-employed, enjoying your work and being able to help others at the same time is a blessing.

It’s also a nice break from medicine medicine medicine. I haven’t sat a big exam in almost a year now, so I’m actually quite looking forward to these exams. Weird right? Personally, I like the idea of utilising my knowledge in exams. I spend most of the year studying and this is my chance to actually put that to use, there’s something satisfying about that.


🎙️ Podcast: Islam and Productivity fr. Daanish.medic

You might not have followed me for long, but I appeared on a podcast not too long ago speaking about Islam and Productivity. If you like my content, give this one a listen and share your feedback on Instagram with me!

📚 Book: Islamic Books (10% discount with DAANISH10)

I’ve partnered with Darussalam, one of the largest suppliers of Islamic Books in preparation for Ramadan. I’m trying to read more Islamic books, to learn about the lives of the prophets and Islam in general. I will recommend some books once I have read a few but in the meantime you can get 10% off any purchases from this link with the code DAANISH10.

🛒 Amazon Finds

Click this link to view my Amazon storefront. Here I share my favourite books, tech and household items purchases. As a minimalist, I am very careful how I spend my money and I ensure that every item brings me some sort of value or utility. I often get asked about the decor in my bedroom - you can find most of it over here.

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