How to achieve your wildest dreams

What do you want to want?

If you sit long enough thinking about this question, you will uncover your true desires.

Having desires is easy.

Goal setting, planning and achieving them is not.

That’s why I’m giving you a step-by-step guide here ↓

How to achieve your wildest dreams in 12 steps

Step 1: What do you want?

Imagine you could click your fingers and make your life perfect in each of the key areas of life. If your life was perfect in each area, what would it look like?

Income - how much do you want to earn in the next 5 years?

Family - what is your ideal lifestyle?

Health - how would you function if you were in the best health?

Net worth - how much would you like to accumulate in your whole life?

Step 2: Write it down

Your goals must be in writing, on paper.

They need to be clear, specific, detailed and measurable.

The more descriptive, the better.

Step 3: Set a deadline

If the goal is too big, set sub-deadlines to work towards the final outcome.

Without deadlines, you won’t move with urgency. Your subconscious needs deadlines to give you that drive.

If for some reason you don’t achieve a goal by its deadline, you set a new deadline.

There are no unreasonable goals, only unreasonable deadlines. - Brian Tracy

Step 4: Identify the obstacles you will have to overcome to achieve your goal

Nothing good in life comes easy. There are going to be obstacles along the way, so think hard about what is likely to be in your path.

The 80/20 rule: 20% of the obstacles are external, 80% are internal - lack of skill, quality or knowledge.

The 80% is in your control, focus on that.

Step 5: Identify the knowledge, skills and information you will need

What one skill, if you developed would have the most significant impact on your progress?

This is part of the 80% mentioned above.

Step 6: Identify the people whose help and cooperation you will need

List every person in your network who might help to achieve your goal.

What you can achieve with the help of others is significantly greater than what you can achieve alone.

The most successful people are those who have a network of people they can go to for help, whom they also give help to when asked.

Step 7: Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal

Combine the obstacles, the skills and the people to create a roadmap to achieving your goal.

As you think of more things, keep adding to this list until it is complete.

Step 8: Organise your list into a plan

Failure to plan is planning to fail.

Create a sequence of events, so they follow a logical order.

Prioritise the most important things first.

The 80/20 rule: 80% of results come from 20% of the work

Plan each day, week and month in advance.

Plan each month at the beginning of the month, I use The Daanish Method for this.

Plan each week the weekend before, I use my calendar for this.

Step 9: Select the single, most important task for each day.

If you could only do one thing today to move towards your goal, what would it be?

I usually select 3 star tasks every day.

These are 3 things that I must complete no matter what.

Step 10: Visualise your goal

You become what you think about most of the time. - Brian Tracy, Goals
Unsuccessful, unhappy people think and talk about what they don’t want most of the time. They talk about their problems and worries and who is to blame for their situation most of the time. But successful people keep their thoughts and conversations focused on their most intensely desired goals. They think and talk about what they want most of the time. - Brian Tracy, Goals

I meditate for 15 minutes every day and visualise my ideal life. It primes my brain to be productive and active towards my goals.

There are very few people who will read this far, there are even fewer who will actually sit down and practice this goal setting method. A small percentage of those who do will go on to achieve their goals.

I’ll leave you with my favourite highlight from the book that inspired this post.

When you are absolutely clear about your goal, you do not even have to know how to achieve it. By simply deciding exactly what you want, you will begin to move unerringly toward your goal, and your goal will start to move unerringly toward you. At exactly the right time and in exactly the right place, you and the goal will meet.

Cool Stuff 👇🏽

🎙️ Podcasts: I used to share a weekly podcast in this newsletter, but I found an even better way to share them. Here is a link to my public Spotify profile where you can see my Podcast playlist, Vocals-only Nasheed playlist and Qur’an playlist. I update them all regularly.

🗽 Liberty Medics: Do you want to work in America as a Doctor? $300,000 average salary and shorter training? Me too! Liberty Medics is the all-in-one guide for all things USA. A complete video library that takes you from deciding if America is for you till Match Day and beyond + access to a closed community of IMGs.

Still unsure? Watch their videos for FREE here and see for yourself.

💌 Charity Donations: Using your audience for good is important, so I set up this 24/7 charity link with Human Concern International. You can donate to several causes including Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen and Sudan. Sponsor an orphan, give medical supplies and provide clean water all year round. Donate here.

🛒 Amazon Finds: Click this link to view my Amazon storefront. Here I share my favourite books, tech and household items purchases. As a minimalist, I am very careful how I spend my money and I ensure that every item brings me some value or utility. I often get asked about the decor in my bedroom - you can find most of it here.


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